WP Flexi Door Handle, WP Flexi Centre Latch Keeps and WP Flexi Hook and Deadbolt Keeps


WP Flexi Door Handle

The Flexi lever lever door handle is designed to fit a wide range of locks and doors and can be used both inline and offset. It has adjustable PZ centre ranging from 59-69mm, making it easy to convert to your individual requirements. It has screw - hole centres of 260mm. The adaptability makes it perfect to keep as van stock as it will fit 95% of multiple locks.


How to measure a PZ Centre

To measure the PZ centre, measure the distance between the centre of the square spindle hole and the centre of the euro cylinder circle hole.


Lever Lever - Inline

When using the Flexi door handle as an inline handle, only one spindle wil be required. To lock a lever lever door handle, lift the handle upwards and turn the key with one full turn. Once the key has been removed the door is now locked and the premises is secure. To unock a lever lever door handle, turn the key with a full turn and push down on the handle, the premises is now unlocked. 


Lever Lever Offset


When using the Flexi door handle as an offset handle, we recommend you use your exsisting twin spindles. However, the 8mm spindle provided can be used by cutting it in the centre to give two spindles. To lock an offset handle, lift the handle upwards and turn the key with one full turn. Once the key has been removed, the premises is now locked and secure. To unlock the offset handle, turn the key fully and push down on the handle. Remember even though the door is closed you must still lock with a key for extra security.


  • Adjustable pz centres 59-96mm
  • Can be used both inline and offset
  • 260mm Screw hole distance
  • 290mm faceplate length
  • 8mm spindle included
  • Available in Five colours White, Gold, Chrome, Silver and Black
  • Ergonomically designed with an anti-slip grip providing comfort and grip





The flexi ultimate door handle is perfect for any uPVC maintenance or locksmith expert. Having adjustable PZ centres to fit 95% of multiple locks and a 290mm faceplate, it can be easily copnverted to offset making it easy for any trade expert to keep as van stock. The ergnomic design provides anti slip grip for the person using the door handle.





WP Flexi Door Center Latch Keeps

On the Flexi door centre latch keep there are black tabs at the top and bottom, there are pins on the black tabs once they have been tapped into the frame. The pins break

to fit each unique door profile making it universal to fit any door profile. Meaning it will easily replace your exsisting keep without the worry of having to match the current door keep manufacturer. The Flexi door centre latch keep is universally handed, it can be used both left and right handed, with latch and deadbolt capabilities.


  • The Centre latch keep is supplied in singles
  • To fit any door profile 
  • Universally handed: keft and right handed 



WP Flexi Hook and Deadbolt Keeps

The Flexi hook and deadbolt keeps also have black tabs at the top and bottom, there are pins on the black tabs once they have been tapped into the frame. The pins break

to fit each unique door profile making it universal to fit any door profile. This makes them an excellent replacement and also brilliannt for any trading expert. They can be used to replace old damaged ones, or keeps made from different manufacturers.


  • Flexi Hook and deadbolt keeps are supplied in pairs
  • Universally handed:left and right handed
  • Length 153mm
  • Width 30 mm
  • Designed to fit any door profile




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